welcome to your final test, i'm mr beast we can drop the s 'cause i've never missed a beat
Number 15: Burger king foot lettuce. The last thing you want on your Burger King Burger is someone's foot fungus, but as it turns out that might be what you get
Number 6: Man urinates on fellow passenger for not being allowed to smoke
today's sponsor
i forgot what i was   doing in         a
    is        this      formatted???????               a
hey look a custom background and font
is italic an italian reference???????????
italic & bold collab
snmall tex
highlighter fluid
O3 = ozone
O2 = oxygen
H2O = water
what's superscript?
231 - 1 = 2147483647

oh cool you can do this:
welcome to my website
Literally useless feature: <insert quote here>

we are proudly sponsored by the DPRK

Walter Hartwell White
308 Negra Arroyo Lane

Credit to waltuh for that one

arabic mode activated

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  • it's good
  • it has useful downloads
  • it is not an ip logger
  • everyone who doesn't visit it is statistically proven to die

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